One of my favorite things about my
sweetheart is that he never brings work
home with him. I'm married to a financial advisor and I have
no idea what the DOW did today, yesterday or even last month. When he walks through the
door at the end of the day he steps
effortlessly back into the roll of husband and father, cook and math tutor. His warm
embrace is all the assurance I need.
That is a true blessing.
Uh, the market is down.
But my love for you is WAY UP.
A Record high everyday.
I love your blog! Keep it coming!
This blog is beautiful!..and so is this song - Ben Harper and Jack Johnson. I am so glad to hear your voice in this blog. I love you.
Yeah! Welcome to the Blog World! I love it! I see that you have called to have Kenna come over and play two weeks in a row.... I am sorry, I have been sick. Maybe next week.
Love your blog
Your blog is so fun and inspiring! Sorry about your hair experience, bummer. Keep blogging , I love reading it!
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