Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Around the breakfast table

Matt:  "Mom, have you ever tried mixing all four flavors of mini wheats together?"

Me:  "Um, no sweetheart.  I haven't."

wiggle Nick's loose tooth
it begins to bleed
Allie starts screaming that she doesn't want her teeth to fall out
this sends Nick into his high pitched autistic scream

Allie running around the table
yelling "Do you want a piece of me?"

Matt leaves to practice piano furiously
seeing as how his piano lesson is only hours away

Brayden:  "Should I talk to the guys today and see what snacks they want for the party?"

Me:  "We're not taking food orders for your birthday party Brayden."

Nick:  "Do leprechauns have skin?"

Me:  "Do Lego Guns have skin?  What?"

Matt:  (translating)  "No mom.  Leprechauns."

Ask the big boys to wash their hands and clean out the dishwasher.  Watch boys scrub with antibacterial soap. One sticks his wet finger up his nose and then proceeds towards the dishwasher.

Dog walks past with two of Allie's favorite stuffed animals lodged tightly between his jaws.

Breakfast cereal dust being poured from bottom of bag all over table.  
Cereal must be eaten from a toy spoon that holds only one honey nut cheerio at a time.

Nick: (exiting bathroom)  "Mom, is the guy that's coming to look at our microwave going to fix our toilet too?"

oh boy

jackets, backpacks, kisses atop newly combed hair 
as they're shuffled out the door.
return to cereal dust and toilets
still wondering about lego guns, leprechauns and skin.


Becky W. said...

I love it! I was there and saw it all. True. It's amazing to think how calm single life was. Kids! Kids! Kids!

Kim said...

Ain't life grand?! At least there is a little time for yourself before round #2 starts.

Mel P. said...

What time does breakfast start?! We barely have time to eat!

Jess said...

I still marvel at motherhood.... Having two beautiful, wonderful daughters is hard for me and I ask myself "how does anyone with more than two do it"? YOU are amazing... yet so are your children whom I ADORE!