Monday, March 16, 2009


missing tooth
dinosaur pancakes   sweats
yard work   fresh soil
pink cheeks   gardening gloves
giggling girls   sore muscles
date night   good friends
homemade granola   tart frozen yogurt

new pants   dress shoes
clean haircut   scriptures
articles of faith   pulpit   ordination
priesthood   grandparents
sunday walk   neighbors
roast & potatoes



Kim said...

What a fabulous weekend! And such a special day...congrats!

Mary Ann said...

'The rites of passage'. Get ready...they hit twelve and time flies! (By the way, gotta love those handsome bookends in back)

Jeni said...

Brayden looked very handsome on Sunday and did a great job on his article of faith. I'm glad you had a great weekend. Did you get your garden ready?

Anonymous said...

Talk about being blessed by priesthood
power. What a great day. We loved sharing it. Look at those smiles.
Mom 2