Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I like your take on things

I quit reading and watching the news years ago.  Before we put a stop to our subscription I would sit down every morning to my bowl of Cheerios and the Obituaries.  When I was done pouring over those I would move on to the Police Log and then the to the National News.  I would start off each morning with the most shocking, disturbing, sad and depressing news the media could compile that day.  I was drawn to it.  Morbid, I know.  

It reminds me of when I was a teenager.  I would have a hankering to watch a scary movie and the second the movie ended I would be filled with regret.  I would have to spend the next month trying to get it out of my head. Or Haunted Houses at Halloween.  I loved Haunted Houses . . . until I was about two steps past the entrance. The news is like that to me.  I think I want to know all about this big, crazy world, but I don't.  It's too disturbing.  I spend way more time trying to get the information out of my mind than it takes to feed it in. 

So we save a nice little chunk of change each month by not subscribing to the newspaper and we enjoy more time together each evening as we avoid the nightly news.  My spirit is happier and my outlook on life more positive.  The downside?  I am completely ignorant to current events.  Like just the other day I heard some surprising news.  Did you know a black man was elected President?!

Here's how I try to keep a pulse on what's going on in the world.  I read YOU.  I find that you are a much more interesting read than the Tribune or CNN.  It's much more fun soaking in the news YOU've compiled for my day.  

Sports:  Kim

Business:  Bo, Jenny

Entertainment:  Joy, Kara

Politics:  Dad

Travel:  Tessems

Arts:  Telfords, Emilie

Home & Family:  Jessica, Hilary

Health & Fitness:  Deidra, Tim

Features:  Melanie

*the categories are based solely upon your most recent posts


Jessica said...

I'm so honored! Now I wish we traveled more so we could get more in there for you!

I'm an avid news reader, and it really does get depressing. Maybe I should try it your way.

Deidra said...

I too hate the news.

I am laughing so hard that you put me in the health and fitness catergory!

I love your blog. You're great!

Fred M said...

Thanks for putting me in charge of Politics. I like it so much that I haven't found a thing to say about it in two months. Maybe that is the good news.

I am sorry to say that the new guy in town seems to be hitting lots of pot holes. Hope he can avoid the exit that leads down to the well worn low road.
We all hope he finds the fork that heads us to the super highway and Camelot. He had about 50 days left to find it.

Jess said...

AHHHH... how sweet! I told my mom at Sunday dinner this week that YOU inspire me and that I enjoy YOUR blog each day. I guess we are ALL lucky to be surrounded by suck wonderful people....

Jess said...

can you tell that I am soooo tired by the end of the day when I post these comments??? I really am not THAT bad of a speller! I meant SUCH not SUCK!!!!

Mary Ann said...

What? You didn't put your East Coast relatives in charge of politics??

Anonymous said...

So glad we at least made the cut! You're safer without having us comment on politics. Now I have to live up to my rep as your "health and fitness" go-to blog. Does it scare you that Becky and I devoured both cartons of ice cream in 2 nights from Caro's birthday parties, or that I'm scarfing down tortilla chips when I should be at the gym?!


BRoss said...

I'm just glad I wasn't under the "General Lethargy" category.

JDM said...

I hope you mean "other peoples'" business and not economic updates.