Sunday, March 22, 2009

Just a nightmare

Brayden dreamed the other night
that he was passing the sacrament at our church
for the first time
that he accidently dropped the bread
and then stepped on it
and then he
spilled a tray full of water
all over an old lady's lap.

He looked over at me and I was crying.
When the deacons sat down 
I stood up
and announced to the entire congregation
that my son had completely messed up the sacrament.

This morning he was up at the break of dawn
to put on his crisp white shirt
and crimson tie complete with a new tie pin.
He took three bites of toast,
grabbed his scriptures and rip stick
and went forward to face his fears.

Let  me say, in front of the entire congregation
and the entire world for that matter
that he did a perfect job
of representing his Savior today

and I did cry . . . but just a little.

*side note:  Nick curled up in a ball of envy and sadness refusing to take the sacrament when it was passed his way.  "Why can't I pass it?" he cried.  By the time he decided he wanted the bread and water the services were almost over.   Brayden, seeing the dilemma, returned to administer the Sacrament to his little brother while the other deacons awaited in their line.  Peace and harmony were restored once again.


Kim said...

So sweet. As they say in Tommy Boy, "Brothers gotta hug!" What a sweet big brother Brayden is.

Jess said...

I noticed... it was amazing. You have a remarkable family.

Jeni said...

Ahh, that is so sweet. Not the dream part, the Nick part. I thought of Brayden today while he was passing and have often thought about how nervous I would be to mess up. He did great.

Becky W. said...

Congrats to Brayden on his first time passing the sacrament. It's hard to do something so quiet and serious and important. It takes practice. One Sunday down. Many more to come.

Anonymous said...

I seriously had the same fears when I was first doing it..and I was 27, a few weeks after my baptism. Good job, Braydo! Uncle Tim