Thursday, April 2, 2009

Good question

I ask questions.  Some might consider it a strength of mine, others are probably just completely annoyed.  I can't help myself.  I love getting to know people.  I'm intrigued by their stories, by the things that make them who they are.  

I've recently been in touch with a childhood friend of mine.  She posed this question in her latest email:

"What is always on the back of your mind?"

The answer to that question would be so telling of each of us.  It's those things that we push to the back of our minds that consume the most energy, that make us act and react the way we do. 

It's got me thinking . . .


Jess said...

The thing that is ALWAYS on the back of my mind is... What if I never had migraines??? My life would be SO different! I have had them chronically since I was 13. I have missed out on so much, yet they are all I know...

Nicola said...

I just stumbled across your blog through Hilary's blog. Hope that is ok. I love the way that you put things, especially the questions that you have. Honestly I think life would be boring if nobody ever asked questions. Because without questions and choices we could never truly grow. However, I am sure that nobody in their right mind would want to know the back of my mind. I don't even know if I want to know what is the in the back of my mind. (=

joy said...

Dear Jodi, The question in the back of my mind? Am I doing enough, I am helping others enough?
What IS ehough? I ask myself that question all the time. Oh yea, and the post tramitic stress from my illness, YUK!
Love, Joy

Londa said...

The things that go through my much,no really.I need to be a better person and friend.I know I lack on both.I try but not enough and I know I can do much better. It may sound weird, but sometimes I am afraid to see the person that I can truly become, what if I fail?

BRoss said...

"At what point will Jodi realize I am going to be riding her coattails through eternity."