I had it all mapped out as a kid. I moved into adulthood with the arrogant assurance that I was going to be a FABULOUS grownup. I had been a keen observer as a youth, taking scrupulous mental notes on how to do it "right" when I arrived in the big people world. One thing was for sure . . . I was going to be a favorite aunt to my numerous future nieces and nephews.
Favorite aunts ask you lots of questions about yourself. They keep track of what your doing in your life, who your best friends are, who you're in love with at the moment and what your favorite junk food is. They can continue a conversation you started 6 months before without missing a beat. They notice your hair, your new shirt, the color of your toenails . . . and they compliment you freely and often. They hug you, laugh at your jokes and act like you're the epitome of perfect. They stop their long, boring conversations with adults to play games with you. Their eyes sparkle and their giggle is intoxicating. You adopt their mannerisms, practicing them often in the privacy of your bedroom. Favorite aunts tell you that you are wonderful, and you believe it.
So here I am all these years later. I have a difficult time remembering how to engage a 15 year old in conversation, or how to pick out an appropriate gift for someone older or younger than my own children. I lay in bed late and night and realize that I've missed yet one more birthday even though I've been looking at it on my calendar for days. A serious deviation from my original "favorite aunt" agenda.
My newest nephew was blessed on Sunday. During a quiet moment I cuddled him close and as his baby breath warmed my cheek I told him how wonderful he is.
Maybe it's not about me being their favorite after all. Maybe it's more about them being my favorite. And they are, every last one of them.

Jodi, you have a gift. You are just a true and genuine person who loves with their whole heart. Everyone around you feels this. ALL of your nieces and nephews knows this and they all feel blessed to have you be their aunt, I am sure.
You are lucky. I only have one nephew and one niece. I love them dearly, but there is ALWAYS room for more....
You are definately one of my favorites even though I'm not a niece or a nephew. Hope that counts!
Precious picture. Beautiful sentiment. The bottom paragraph really hits the mark. I had two aunts who made me feel like I was their favorite. Having that extra support growing up makes all the difference in a child's life. You are one of the best "cheerleaders" to all of us; young and old.
Love Mom #2
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