In a support group, members provide each other with various types of help, usually nonprofessional and nonmaterial, for a particular shared, usually burdensome, characteristic. The help may take the form of providing and evaluating relevant information, relating personal experiences, listening to and accepting others' experiences, providing sympathetic understanding and establishing social networks. A support group may also work to inform the public or engage in advocacy.
The words autism and haircut shouldn't be allowed in the same sentence. Nick attended school once with a reverse mohawk after a "haircuts gone bad" incident. It wasn't corrected until a few days later when a brave employee took her shift at Great Clips, pushing through the weeping, wailing, kicking and flailing. Luckily Nick has become more tolerant over the years, wincing only temporarily when the clippers near his ears. This isn't the case for all children on the spectrum. For many it is a painful experience each and every time.
A mother was lamenting over the haircut dilemma at Support Group. Two women from the group readily offered their professional services.
Autism, haircut and spiritual probably shouldn't share the same sentence either, but today they do. The spirit was strong as I watched the two women work side by side to lighten the burden of another.
"What is Autism?" Nick asked.
"It's something that helps bring us closer to our Heavenly Father," I replied as I leaned down to kiss him atop his neatly combed hair.

I don't know why but Zack has only started being OK with haircuts in last 2 years. For the first 4 years of his life it was as you describe. Pure truama! I hated having to sit on my child to give him a haircut. We still havn't totally recovered from the trauma and he only gets one about 3-4 times a year.
What angels those two were to help out!
What a great story.
After all, one of the purposes of our existance is to aid when, where and however we can.
Thanks for a sweet story.
A little reminder that people are GOOD.
You constantly inspire. I am thankful that you decided to keep blogging because what you share touches so many in so many ways and I look at it as another blessing in this big vast world. It is so wonderful that we are surrounded by angels in all forms. Whether cloaked as those willing to step forward to help or whether it is those sweet enough to give us greater insight through their innocence. Thanks Jodi for being one of those angels through your example, experiences and your love for those in your life.
What an unexpected, joyful surprise I stumbled upon...and I am left filled and teary. So glad your back!
Dito to what Gina said. We've missed you in this strange world of blogging. You've just got the right "touch"....
Thanks for a great weekend full of parties! Kaiya and Kenna had a great time with Nick and we all SOOOO much enjoyed having Allie here yesterday. We love you guys.
What?? a week before school is out! I love the pic of Brayden and Murphy.
And the, thanks for sharing.
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