Monday, June 1, 2009

Comparable to critiquing underwater basket weaving

I know nothing about golf or any other sport that takes coordination for that matter.  I played in Brandon's office tournament one year and took the hubcap off another group's golf cart.  I found myself on a magnificent golf course in Jamaica a couple years later.  We even had a personal caddy.  I did her, and everyone else, a favor and chose not to actually pick up a golf club that day.  Brandon asked me to golf with him for his birthday a few years ago . . . I haven't been invited back since.  You catch my drift.

Well a fabulous day in golf took place a couple of weeks ago and I was there to partake of it, not as a golfer mind you, only as an elated observer.  It was a celebrity golf tournament; this is where I'm really going to butcher things. I'm going to tell you in my completely sports illiterate, poor name spelling way (that's right, not even going to google correct spelling) a few who attended -  

Chad Lewis, Steve Young, Deron Williams (Jazz), Reno Mahe, Kyle Whittingham (head U of U football coach), Elder Zwick (of the seventy), Bishop Edgly & Bishop Burton (of the presiding bishopric), Max Hall (current BYU quarter back) and more. 

And now because I may not understand golf but I can always appreciate pictures:

The love of my life sits on the board of the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation.  His only tie to Cystic Fibrosis?  My brother, his best friend.  Brandon sacrifices business, sleep and peace of mind each year as he works hand in hand with Matt, Dave and Chad in organizing this rip roaring charity event . . . 

all in hopes of buying Big Matt more time with the ones he loves.



That is soooo awesome!

Anonymous said...

Cool! We hope to be there with you to celebrate Matt and the day one year.--timo

Kim said...

How fun & a wonderful cause!

Becky W. said...

Did you take these pictures? I LOVE that first one. I don't know anything about golf either but that shot makes me feel good. And that one at the end with the miracle named Matt and his miracle family is BEAUTIFUL. I love this event.

BRoss said...

It' all worth it.

Time to start working on next year's.

Glad you are back.

Jess said...

Great pics. Sounds like a fun time for a wonderful cause.