that Brandon made me promise to throw away months ago. The turquoise top had lost it's elasticity and would have looked more appropriate on an expectant mother but the brown Roxy board shorts were perfect for hiding thighs I hadn't found time to shave before our departure. I was still taking note of swim necessities as I unloaded the children in front of the fitness club. Sunblock, check. Kick board, check. Goggles, check. Warm peanut butter and freezer jam sandwiches, check, check and check.
Mom #2 (my mother in law) had invited us for a day of swimming at her gym. We walked through automatic doors into an air conditioned lobby and perched ourselves on the edge of an all too nice couch as we tried hard not to look too out of place. It was beautifully decorated with bronzed sculptures, green foliage and a fish tank larger than the mini van I had just parked on the front row. She arrive minutes later, arms full of swim noodles and beach towels for the grandkids. She took care of business at the front desk and motioned for our crew to follow her down the corridor. We walked out a pair of distant glass doors into the pool area. I thought for a moment that we had walked onto a movie set as I took in my surroundings.
The men were chiseled and tan, hidden behind their dark sunglasses and ipods. They were far outnumbered by the mothers and children that filled the lawn chairs and zero entry pool. These mothers were not like any that I had sat next to at PTA or pushed a cart near at the local grocery store. They were beyond fit with rippling muscles accentuating their teeny tiny gucci bathing suits. They were slathering on Banana Boat something or other that didn't smell a thing like my SPF 70+. Little attention was paid to their offspring as so much of it was being used up on themselves.
I blended into a shady corner with my baby nephew and a bag of cashews and wondered what kind of message these women were sending their children.
My attention was soon turned to my Mom #2 as she shed her coverup and sun hat at the request of my son. "Come sit in the hot tub with me Grammy." She grabbed his hand and walked with confidence through the maze of sunbathers on display. I watched as she engaged each of her nine grandchildren in play over the next three hours. No time for sun, relaxation or self. I found myself longing for her energy. She invited the children for pizza and a sleepover, giving me the gift of a night alone.
The following afternoon I met her at a parking lot half way between the miles that separate our homes. As she stepped out of her car I was struck by how beautiful she looked. She was wearing a clean white shirt, a baseball cap and flip flops. Around her neck hung a leather strap that held a silver medallion reading "Life is Good." The wind blew her hat from her head ruffling her soft silver hair as she told me entertaining cousin stories from the night before. Someone had tripped and sat smack dab in the middle of the pizza, another had dressed up as a pet doctor and been absolutely offended when it was suggested he help a human with their feigned injuries. "I'm a pet doctor. Read it. Right here." Her eyes always light up when she talks of the grandkids.
and I was thankful to understand the message she was sending her children

You are blessed to be surrounded by two wonderful mothers... Brandon's and yours.
And yes, Jodi... you have inherited ALL of their wonderful traits.
Thanks Jodi, I sooooo needed to hear that. At my age it feels good to think I may be getting a few things right.
But just for the record:
ENERGY: I get it from the kids. As they bounce off the walls it rebounds to me. Also, I don't do
what I do 24/7 like you do and after they leave the next day I can take a loooooooong nap!
CONFIDENCE WALKING IN BIKINI LAND: Huh, you thought I was confident?? Secret: Hold the hand of a darling child and all eyes are on them and not on my cottage cheese thighs! At 65 you finally learn its what you SEE in life that is important not how you LOOK
LIFE IS GOOD: it always is in the company of those you love. Love you!! So glad you are still writing
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