Saturday, July 4, 2009

Cloudy with a chance of tears

six in the morning I awake with a smile
to independence day

we hold hands in prayer around the kitchen table
as we  bless red, white and blue pancakes

soon we will find our way to the parade route
and claim three square feet that will hold our family of six

we will stand with hands over our hearts
in reverence for the symbol of our country's freedom

the flag will be carried by those who have known war
whose sacrifice gives us cause to celebrate

and I will cry
I always do



Happy 4th of July!

Jess said...

I am glad that you are venturing out for the 4th.... fireworks and all.

We are taking after your family this year and we are staying home to do fireworks with some family. We had enough crowds at the parade!

gina said...

I always get teary as well. I love the flag and I have got to know...did you take that gorgeous picture from the raggedy scout flags out on our parking strips? Amazing and beautiful!