We had all been over at Tinkerbell's house for a party. She had invited a couple of the guys from The Hall of Justice to come over. It always seems to get out of hand, Captain America thinking he's all that. Mother Earth and Father Time were gone for the week and so we figured we could just play in the pool, Apollo was strumming something on the guitar, Aqua-man had brought us some delightful shrimp. It was going so well.
Then Wonder Woman had to show up in her invisible jet.
Well, at least we didn't see her until she was "Right There", I mean, "Right There".
Apparently she had a little argument with Green Lantern again, something about child support. Cupid was busy on the beach talking with some Nymphs, so he wasn't any help. She just went crazy! Knocking stuff over, Tiki torches hitting the linens, next thing we know the place is all lit up. Then everyone in the place just scatters, I realize as I see him hippity-hoppity down the street that my ride has gone. I am stuck. Tink asks me if I can help put out the fires and clean up. I tell her only for a minute because I have a couple of "stops" I need to make tonight. Spider-man is there to help, I figure she's in good hands as he's "webbin" everything into the trash. So I send Santa Claus a text to see if I can use one of his reindeer to get me out and about.
His reply? "They're pulling me water skiing o<|:-(| "
So I see if Robyn is available. He reply's that he's on his way. He has got this fast bike, you know. So we go to the ATM for me to pick up some money for the night's run. Wouldn't you know it, NO BALANCE AVAILABLE. I call the Money Fairy and she's like, "What, do you think money just grows on trees?" Lame.
So anyway, I wanted to let you know I was soooo sorry. I hope that you will have some patience and try me again. My schedule is clear, so put it under the pillow and I won't disappoint.

Man, she's full of excuses! I wonder what she was doing when she didn't pick up Abby's tooth. Good luck with future teeth.
Wow..she has a richer 'night life' than I ever imagined. She hangs with a pretty fast crowd.
We have been a little disappointed with the tooth fairy lately too... but I have told my girls that just like ALL fairies... you just have to believe.
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