Remember I mentioned my return to higher education? Well, some of my husband's hard earned dollars won't be going to "higher education" per say. They'll be going to "why in the heck didn't you learn this in middle school" education.
I visited the testing center a week or two ago. I've been out of the system long enough that I had to retest for placement in English and Math. The proctor showed me to a computer, went over the rules, handed me some scratch paper and turned me loose. After checking out the non-traditional student to my right and the young whipper snapper at my left I got to work. English first. Oh goody. I ate up every question, enjoyed every moment, basked in every new level. My euphoria came to an abrupt halt as we headed into the math section. Seven plus three? Easy peasy, lemon squeezy. Ooh multiplication. Division. Percentages. Word problems. I

wrote some numbers on my scratch paper because it seemed like a good thing to do. Curse you 7th grade math teacher/football coach! The computer finally said "Lady, let's put ourselves out of our misery and end this thing."
I walked out to get my scores from the proctor. He beamed at my English and then pointing to my math score said, "This is pretty typical. Most of my friends scored about here." Let me pause here for a moment to describe the proctor:
Indiscernible age due to his 80's rocker appearance but I was reasonably sure he had surpassed his 20's. His long, black hair begged for a little brushing and a LOT of conditioning. He was sporting tight black jeans and high tops that were left untied, intentionally I'm sure. His fingernails were long, their length excentuated by his long, bone thin fingers. His manner of speech made me think of Cheech and Chong, a duo I decided he was probably familiar with.
So I had tested about as well as his friends. Oh boy.
I called my sweetheart on the way home and gave him the not too surprising news.
"It's O.K. babe. Just because you're sister got her Masters in arithmetic and your husband's a financial advisor doesn't mean . . ."
My parents invited us for family night last month. My mom taught a fantastic lesson on "Smart." She reminded us that there all different kinds of smart.
Science Smart, Animal Smart, Nature Smart, Reading Smart, Scripture Smart, People Smart, Friend Smart, Lego Smart, Art Smart . . .
What sort of Smart are you?
think about it.

I'm finally taking my last math credit this fall...I took the placement 4 times before I finally got placed in math 1010 it was definitely a headache I do not feel math smart that is for sure
And on the husband/closet/clothes topic, he cycles between 7 shirts that I think are specified for each day of the week. He also has old mission shirts that are yellow and have holes and he will not let go. Oh brother =)
I have yet to discover what talents I am blessed with (a running joke at home), but I am exceptional at friend selection.
And hopefully the old saying applies to me, "You judge a person by the company they keep" for I have the most delightful friends. They are generous, kind, supportive, loving, entertaining and I guess I am in the "friend smart" category (and that is pretty much all the "smarts" I got.)
I learned a long time ago that 1+1=> 2 and so is 1*1 => 1. They both depend on what your measuring. And the measure of you is much more than a number. It is smart in many many many many wonderful, beautiful, peaceful, cheerful ways. Especially because it brings love to all within the radius of your touch. Thank you for being so wonderfully smart.
Oh I am definately driving smart. After all the excuses, the bad weather, the cranky instructors, the glare from the sun, just remember it was ME that took 3 times to pass my driving test. Third time was the charm, but that was so long ago.
Actually, many people have commented and agreed, that my greatest talent, the best Smarts I have is in the picking of spouses.
Everyone has always said I have way better taste than you do.
Well, I am DEFINITELY NOT Math smart... I failed most of my math classes. (seriously).
I guess I would be a mix of Gina and Brandon... I am soooo "Spouse Smart", I mean really... and I sure have the most amazing friends!
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