We were pregnant with a due date exactly two years to the day your big brother, Brayden, was born. Unfortunately that pregnancy was not to be. Neither was the next one. In a quiet moment, in a quiet place I felt a strong impression that I was not to worry, that I would be expecting again soon, expecting a healthy little boy. I knew that we should name him Matthew.
When we found out we were expecting again a few weeks later we were cautiously ecstatic. Our excitement grew as we passed each important milestone indicating this pregnancy would be a successful one. Nineteen weeks in Dad and I met at the Doctors office for the ultrasound. "It's a girl," they exclaimed! A girl? Matthew's a girl? So Matthew became Mallory and my faith in my inspirational skills waned.
And then they offered us one more look just a few weeks before the due date. The nurse showed us the face, hands, feet on the ultrasound, and then she quickly scurried out of the office. A pale faced doctor entered a few minutes later. "It seems," he said," that you're having a boy."
Of course it was a boy. It was you, little Matt!
You gave us another wonderful surprise by entering our lives two weeks early during a lively, summer lightening storm. What a glorious day it was.
You have been such a source of peace and joy to our family. You are our Switzerland, our sunshine on a cloudy day. You have a giggle that dares others not to laugh with you and a spirituality that testifies boldly of eternal truths. You have skin that's as soft as the day you were born and freckles that say you're glad to be alive. Our family needed you. The world needs more of you.
Happy Birthday little Matt.

I was sitting here figuring out how to say something meaningful enough for today. Then I read this blog. Thank you. And 'Amen'.
And just remember, Matt, due to your wonderful namesake, you could be 'Little Matt' when you're 92!!
Amen! Amen! I'm so glad little Matt was born and that we get to call him ours. Matthew! What a gift.
Happy Birthday Matt! We share the same birthday month... I knew you were awesome!
I have a friend who calls her middle child "Honda" because she is low maintenance and so reliable. I know Matt is your Honda.
3 things I love about Matt-
I love how Matt is so conscientious with his younger siblings...watching out for them and reminding them to behave in a kind, big-brotherly way.
I love the way he lives life in an unhurried fashion...not easily stressed or flustered by the fast-paced chaos of the world, but finding happiness in its simplest things.
I love how he leads in a quiet manner...influencing all who know him to do good by the way he behaves, rather than the things he says.
Yes, the world needs more Matt's. Thankfully, we have ours!
Happy Day, Matt! We love you.
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