Sunday, August 2, 2009

The best

"In choosing how we spend time as a family, we should be careful not to exhaust our available time on things that are merely good and leave little time for that which is better or best. A friend took his young family on a series of summer vacation trips, including visits to memorable historic sites. At the end of the summer he asked his teenage son which of these good summer activities he enjoyed most. The father learned from the reply, and so did those he told of it. 'The thing I liked best this summer,' the boy replied, 'was the night you and I laid on the lawn and looked at the stars and talked.'"

Dallin H. Oaks

Which activities have you enjoyed most this summer?


gina said...

-a day at the lake with yummy food, recollection of memories, and bouts of laughter
-a night of fireworks out on the curb with family,friends, and fire-loving boys
-a weekend in the country with 34 beautiful young women that delight and inspire

Thanks for the reminder that the simplest things ARE always the best!!

joy said...

Dear Jodi,
So true, it IS the simple things that make the best memories.
Love, Joy

joy said...

Dear Jodi,
Oh yea, my summer memories so far...
birth of a grandchild, watching the grandkids swim, firework with the family, kick-ball game at the family reunion...mostly, good times with my hubby. Hopefully more to come.
Love ,Joy

Jess said...

My favorite summer memories so far have been simple ones as well.
~the birth of my new nephew.
~a mini-vaca to a local SLC hotel over night with the family on a whim.
~swimming and spending time at Pineview with my family.
~having a water fight with our friends.
~But mostly, just being together with my family... doing anything... or doing nothing.

Anonymous said...

-burning to a crisp in St. George with my kids and wife playing in the water
-swimming at Joy's on my birthday and then going out for sushi
-eating double stuff oreos on the back deck while watching the stars with my wife
-finding a new favorite place in the world at Bear Lake.
-listening to the sounds of a neighborhood party in the backyard as the kids roast marshmellows and play night games


Julie said...

Hey Jodi
I know that we have me before at baby showers or something. Thank you for your comment on my blog. It is so comforting to find that others TRULY feel the same. It makes it so much easier to put things right back into perspective.

Love your campout. That is truly my kind of camping. And please give Jenny a big hug from me and tell her that I love her!!
Thanks again!!!

Jessica said...

Definitely evening walks with my honey and my baby girl. And backyard BBQs with the fam.