Lego men buried in my laundry detergent
wet toilet paper wads plastered on my mirrors
ripped story book pages
clogged toilets
Remember the ups and downs of autism that I spoke of here? Well our charming seven year old has once again gone on hiatus and a crazed two year old has stepped in.
high pitched screaming
flopping onto restaurant floors
breaking toys
filling a brother's favorite hat to the brim with water
"What in the world would posses him?" I wonder as I'm cleaning urine out of the garbage can and picking otter pop wrappers out of the trees and air conditioning unit.
When I think of sending him off to school in this state I have to swallow back the anxiety. Oh please, please let them see the good Nick. The smart, funny, compliant Nick.
Thank goodness for the lunch lady that patiently cleans up the green jello he piles onto his tray and lets dribble

Maybe some newly sharpened pencils and a pair of super fast, crazy cool sneakers will make it better. And a snazzy backpack.

Such is of luck with the new school year!
And thank goodness for a mother like you.
I think Nick is READY to go back to school. Just like my own children they are ready for structure and change. Like I said the other day... while the other kids were busy playing in the water, Nick was happily reading library books laying next to me. He is a very smart, well behave boy. Not to take anything away from his challenges, but ALL children behave a "certain" way towards and around their mothers... Hang in there. Only two more weeks today.
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