That's right Becky, I owe you a bunch of bananas. In a moment of weakness I signed on for a joint account. What's a girl to do without her award winning, all natural, Jack's Special Salsa? Salsa in hand I moved into the produce section. That's when I first noticed him. Approximately my age with dyed blonde hair, designer jeans and a button down shirt, sleeves rolled up revealing a smattering of tasteful tattoos. He was pleasant to look at in a beach bum, bad boy sort of way. I ran into him again in the dairy section and realized that he was probably a she as we we grabbed our two gallons of 1%.
After emptying my basket in the checkout line I noticed the older lady behind me struggling to unload her supersize cottage cheese. "May I help you?" I offered as I began to pull items from her cart. She was grateful, telling me she had hurt her wrist the week before in a fall. I saw her again outside, the afternoon sun accentuating her peach lipstick and glittery broach. I walked over to her mini SUV and helped her load her new purchases inside. Her name was Maxine, just like my favorite great aunt Max. Her friends call her Max too she said. She asked my name. "Jodi," she repeated to herself. "I'm going to call you angel Jodi." To whom, I wondered. I hoped she wasn't going to mention my name in a prayer. I don't think God would know who she was talking about.
I needed stickers for Nick's newly implemented behavior chart at school. Apparently he threw his school work and pencil in class last week. You never have to wonder what someone with autism is thinking. The young clerk with jet black hair asked me if I was excited for snow. Excited for snow? He wins for the weirdest question of the day. No, I'm not excited for snow.
TJ Maxx
Cut off by a young man in a tie while preparing to pull into a parking space. We end up at the front door together. Awkward. "My bad," he says while flashing a pearly white smile. "That's fine," I reply as I walk through the door he's now holding for me. "I don't have any kids today. I don't mind walking a little farther."
Found a darling pair of Roxy slip ons for $14. Stood in line for 5 minutes, set the shoes down and walked out the door. Felt empowered that I had saved $14. Laid in bed last night thinking about the shoes.
Barnes and Noble
Priced a book I wanted. Too spendy. Came home and ordered it for half the price on Had to order two additional books so I could get the free super saver shipping.
All in all it was a good little childless adventure.
Hopefully the next one involves purchasing a little black pair of Roxy slip ons.

Jodi you are hilarious. I'm so glad I know where your blog is now.
That was great. Thanks for the laughs!
Good for you!
Boy you can sure accomplish alot in 2 1/2 hours! You are fast! Isn't it nice to have some alone time during the day?
Isn't it wonderful... Having ALONE, grown up time. It is amazing the things that we can get done in the 2 hours while our little girls are at pre-school and our older ones are at school. You can either run in and out... our browse the aisles at the book store. Priceless.
Me...? I spend my two ours of grownup time three times a week to shop (obviously with money I don't have), blog (and not feeling guilty the attention I give the computer), or taking a LONG, HOT, PRIVATE shower. FABULOUS!
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