Monday, September 14, 2009

That maddening word


–adjective, snark⋅i⋅er, snark⋅i⋅est. Chiefly British Slang.
testy or irritable; short.
1910–15; dial. snark to nag, find fault with

The word Snarky makes me testy and irritable. It's perplexing to me when people use it who are neither British or from the early 1900's.

Do you have a word that makes you irritable?

*do it. push the sound button next to the word Snarky. Listen to it 4 times in a row and tell me it's not irritating.


Anonymous said...

Several: stick; batch; moist; chocolate (when each syllable is enunciated; I prefer to say it as
"chocklate"); chick-fil-at.

And any word that ends in "-r" and not pronounced with a Boston accent!

Deidra said...

I agree wholeheartedly.

Unused Account said...

I kind of like the word snarky!

But I hate the word penalized...but only when people pronounce it PEEnalized.

Jess said...

Who is using this word... snarky?? I can't stand it when Derick says ABBBBsolutely! In a very annoying up beat, cheesy way. He only says it to get under my skin.

BRoss said...

Roquefort - as in Roquefort Dressing. Blue Cheese Dressing's step-brother.

Also, anything ending with -in' instead of -ing:
Car Racin'

Not so much when it is said, because I am sure I am not annunciating that every time, but more when it's written out - usually advertisin' somethin' for NASCAR.

Jennica said...

Moist for sure... maybe just baybe cake is "SO MOIST" BUT anything - I mean ANYTHING else that is MOOOIIISSSTTT is simply not okay. With that being said my kids say it all of the time to annoy me. :)

BRoss said...

One more:

