Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thankful for Family Night

Our seven year old burrows behind the cushions
our 12 year old is sprawled out claiming more than his share of realty
our 10 year old is belting out the hymn that he has chosen for the evening
our 5 year old bounces from one place to the next as I contemplate ADHD
my husband takes on the lofty assignment of helping her teach the lesson

we retire to the kitchen to enjoy hot peanut butter chocolate chip cookies
but with all the help from little hands we somehow forgot the baking soda

we move on to an activity that elicits tears

and yet I love these nights
surrounded by obedient children
intently listening to the spiritual message
as they break into interpretive dance
and artistic furniture rearranging.


Jeni said...

I love them too and it always makes me happy that my kiddos are still so excited to have FHE even though things never run smoothly and it seems no is every paying attention at the same time.

Sorry about your cookies :)

gina said...

You mean thankful for Family "Fight" Night which is what it usually is at our house....yet I am thankful for the one in a year that makes a difference.

Hopefully, that is the one they will remember.

Oldsgoats said...

Good to hear my kids arent the only ones going crazy at family night. Do you ever wonder if they even listen? But I still enjoy it and our family is happier when we have our night!

BRoss said...

I am thankful for a wife who is PATIENT through the chaos. And yes, it will be worth it in the end.

If not, at least we had the treats.

I prefer to add my own baking soda on top of my cookies anyway.