Saturday, November 21, 2009

Thankful for the winds of change

I picked up a vat of salsa, a bushel of strawberries and a bag of corn chips the size of our youngest child. Oh, and I picked up one other thing. Wrinkle cream. It's going to change my life. It's going to make me fashionable, more refined, happier and probably more athletic.

Another welcome change . . .
our teenager hung the Christmas lights this year.
The past 12 years of parenting have finally paid off.


Jeni said...

Good luck on the wrinkle cream 'changes'!

Kim said...

Lucky! I wish I had a tween to put up lights on my house.

BRoss said...

you have no idea how thankful I am for this.

Oldsgoats said...

Let me know if the wrinkle cream works on the athletic side, and yes the cream you get for your thighs works! I tried it problem is you have to keep using it or bakc to reality you go, but its fun for awhile!

Jess said...

As I was washing my face this morning I was SHOCKED to see wrinkles! I mean where did they come from?... I guess that is what happens when you turn 30. Tell me the name of that cream. I would love to get it under control before I too being to look like Sloth! lol