Monday, December 21, 2009

I'm thinking

about the fog that has settled around us
for the past three days
I'm thinking about grandpa at Saturday's Christmas party
and about Nana's quiet tears as she gave into her enmity
of alzheimers for a rare, brief moment

I'm thinking of Elder Nelson's conference talk that I read this morning
and I'm mulling over the long list of qualities needed
to receive the gift of spiritual discernment:

faith, hope, charity, love, an eye single to the glory of God,
virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience,
brotherly kindness, godliness, humility, diligence
my gift of discernment is a long way off

I'm thinking of our December calendar that says
"Lose Hope and KNOW"
I'm thinking I like that

I'm thinking of hot cocoa
and cinnamon rolls from good friends
and a lazy day with my children
and I'm thinking I like that too


kara jayne said...

oh my...mariebelle hot chocolate! it doesn't get any better than that.

about your list...mine is even longer if it makes you feel better.

Jess said...

ahhhh.... cinnamon rolls and hot chocolate. we had it too.