We were cozy in our pajamas, everyone warm in their favorite blankie as we drove the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights. "This is a tradition," my husband reminded me. Yes, yes it is I agreed. I listened as the littles counted lighted deer and the older ones gave out awards . . . "Most painful on the eyes," "Most likely to take away from the Christmas Spirit," "Largest variety of lights," "Most Festive." It was probably our 5th drive in the past 7 days and there would surely be many more before the season was over. A worthy tradition I decided as the dog cuddled into my side and the seat heater began to warm up. A worthy tradition indeed.
Last night was full of spontaneous Christmas spirit as Grandma and Grandpa joined us for pot roast, mashed potatoes and warm roles. After the dishes were done Grandma patiently taught the art of gingerbread making as the others gathered at the table to decorate boxes for the Food Bank. As the gingery aroma filled the air and laughter filled the room I was thankful for this perfect moment of gingerbread and family.
Maybe it's not so much about orchestrating life's moments
but more about living in the moment life has gifted us.

I think so
Well said...
Many of the Gifts I am thankful for this Christmas Season is The Gift of Time.
Dear Jodi, Your kids have a wonderful grandma.....and grandpa, and parents. We also love to tour the neighborhood to see the lights. I love to drive down the street and see your dogs little head resting on the back of the couch looking outside. It makes me laugh every time! I know what he is thinking...I love being inside where its warm and dry, loved and taken care of. ruff! ruff!
love, Joy
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