I was sitting in a waiting room last week and I picked up a women's magazine sporting a beautiful photo of an ex-wife of a popular 90's rock star. (did you follow that?) There was a four page article on her recent weight loss, her current boyfriend and her newfound relationship with Weight Watchers. But then things got really interesting . . . she mentioned finding God. It was brief, tucked into one short paragraph, and it left me confused. Just as soon as she used the word "God" she started backtracking, making sure that the general public doesn't see her as, and I quote, "a religious nut."
I've been wondering, am I apologetic when talking about God?
I've made a 2010, new decade, sort of decision. I'm going to be a self proclaimed "religious nut" and talk about God anytime I feel so inclined.
Hopefully it's quite often.

please do. you have a great testimony and anytime you want to share it would be a blessing for me.
love ya. Did you find any pine cones in my backyard?
Sign me up as a fellow a fellow religion nut!
You have always been a religious nut and if it was not for you being a NUT.... my whole YW's experience as a youth would have been wasted! I actually believed in each and each value because you taught them one by one to me and many others. If it was not for you being a NUT I would never have had a record of my testimony at such a young age either. If it was not for you being a NUT I would have never seen Pre. Benson in person and feel his presence when he walked into the room! If it wasn't for you....I could continue on and on so go ahead and continue to be a NUT! Allow people to view you as a NUT. Maybe along the way you can crack their shell so they can see what type of NUT they are! :)
As a person who just ventured several 'Merry Christmases' during the season, I applaud your fanaticism!
I like it.
You know, you don't have to be a "religious nut" to be a "nut" after God's own heart? When we talk about God, His goodness, His glorious love for us, His mercy, His amazing grace,(I could go on & on), I believe heaven stands still to hear and honor Him too.
You talk Jodi, you talk!
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