Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Others might think them boring

their colors so bland
they blend into the landscape
almost as if they are a non-entity

but they are the product
of long hours
of hard work
by those who know the importance
of these sacred creations

for they will hold everything that will ever really matter,

On the walk home from the library today I happened upon the most dainty little nest lying beside a tree. I balanced it gingerly among the countless books and for the remainder of the walk I had time to ponder my love of nests. I looked at it's beige and brown color and upon closer inspection admired silver hairs wound through dried flower petals. My own home may not be fancy but after all these years I am pleased with how well it houses my greatest creation, my family.

Some of the greatest work goes unnoticed by the world
but luckily it's not the world we're doing it for.


JDM said...

Well said.

Anonymous said...

i love you.


gina said...

I love that you collect nests. It is one of your many endearing qualities.

p.s. I have a big ole' hornet's nest at my place. Want that for your collection?:)

Jess said...

We bought some very yummy lemonade and cookies from Nick yesterday and as we got out of the car we heard Nick whisper to Porter next to him... "That's my girlfriend!" Porter obviously did not believe his as he hit Nick on the shoulder and said "NO she's NOT!"....It was so cute.

About Me: Natalie said...