Wednesday, July 21, 2010

This is an uncomfortable subject

because I know that there are two largely opposing opinions on the matter
both which reside solidly within me

My child is not on medication
unless of course you count his Animal Parade vitamins
which I have remembered to give him all of five times this summer

The prospect of medicating him scares me.
I've been a quiet observer as I've sat through support group meetings
and listened intently to friends who have hands on experience

I have been thankful for our situation

but our situation is changing
his thoughts and behaviors have turned increasingly more worrisome
and it's forcing me to think about things that I don't want to think about
forcing me into decisions I don't want to make.

"I need to tell you it is always a difficult decision for parents to make at this stage but I don't know of any parents who have regretted doing it. I just thought you ought to know that."

Well, thank you doctor.
We'll get back with you soon,


Kim said...

Sam has recently come off of Abilify and I'm holding my breath. I'm hopeful that his dose was so low that it won't make a change. It is tough to decide but I know you'll make the right one. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

What a hard decision you and Brandon have to make. Love you both and I love Nic! Whatever you decide I am sure you will be guided to the best decision. Prayers are with you all.

Jess said...

Not that Nick and Kaiya are similar in any way except that they are both adorable 8 year old children full of energy and completely crushing on each other... I will add that Kaiya is doing remarkably better on her medication the past 9 months and I know it is not the same kind as nick would be on, but I am a firm believer that children should not be afraid to live life... but to live it and love it.... and if that be on medication, so be it. (but you know our circumstances and everyones is so different. If he is don't well off of meds... as he seems to be... more power to him!!!!)
call if you have questions. We are always open to disscussions.
I love you guys!

July 21, 2010 5:52 PM

controlling craziness said...

I just found you blog and was reading through it. We also have a child with autism, Asperger's. He is in 2nd grade and this year has been the toughest for him yet. We have not done any medication either but are now just thinking about it. His defiance and negativity are getting worse and worse and we don't know how to help him. I am curious if you have started medication, or what medications were recommended to you. You can email me privately, I'd love to 'talk' to you more.
cnreinhart AT netzero DOT net