Monday, August 16, 2010

What fills your mind

when your world gives way to silence?

I don't mean the silence of the air conditioner late at night
or the song of a million crickets
or your bed mate's quiet breathing

I'm talking about the silence of a distant wood
blanketed under a billion stars
where noiseless meteorites tumble through obscurity

(photo courtesy of Brandon)

I find it a little unsettling
the stillness a little too stifling
the quiet a little too loud.

I love it.

1 comment:

AP said...

We were in Bear Lake last week, and we went outside to see the meteor shower. The moon was behind the mountains, so it seemed especially dark. There were so many stars (nice photo, Brandon!). My friend's darling nine year old said, "April, look! Space is so close right now!" Being away from the city lights and all the noise is amazing. I love it, too.