Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dear Autism, some days you make me so mad

If you were a punching bag I'd be Muhammad Ali
If you were an armored vehicle I'd be a wrecking ball
If you were a tumor I'd be a skilled surgeon
If you were a noxious weed I'd be Round-up

If you were only tangible
it might level the playing field a bit.

smashing his forehead repeatedly into his toast
pummeling his eggs with his fists
running wildly up and down the street
screaming, crying and pulling at his hair
"stupid mom, stupid mom, stupid, stupid mom"
and he's only been out of bed for 30 minutes

1 comment:

Jessica said...

I'm so sorry. Which I know is no help or consolation whatsoever; but I want you to know I'm on your team. When that bully Autism turns tangible and you need backup, I'd be happy to throw a few punches! :)

P.S. Could you recommend any good resources on autism info? We just had a family move into the ward who's interested in the church, but their 10 year old daughter has autism and they find the prospect of Primary too overwhelming. Any suggestions? How can I help her and her family feel comfortable?