Monday, January 24, 2011

he HATES pasta

so when my 8 year old presented a newly cleaned plate after a painfully long struggle at the dinner table I let out a whoop for joy. It scared him so badly his plate flew three inches into the air and he spent the next 5 seconds trying to rebalance to avoid a catastrophe. It looked like a scene from a Saturday morning cartoon. Unfortunately this is a common occurrence at our home. An over exuberant mother coupled with an autistic child who is easily spooked. It's quite the treat.

I turned to my older son,

Me: It's my new goal not to be so loud and obnoxious.

Matt: *laughter*

Me: You're laughing because you think I can't do it! (indignant)

Matt: *hearty laughter* Who do you think is a good mom in our neighborhood?

Me: I don't know. I'll have to think about it. Who do you think is a good mom?

Matt: Andrew's Mom (without skipping a beat).

So there you have it, my New Years goal . . . to be more like Andrew's mom.


Kim said...

Congrats on the pasta and I need more info on Andrew's mom to make an educated decision.

Jess said...

I know Andrew's mom... She is Wonderful... but so are you.

My kids tell me that I should be nice and happy all the time like YOU. So there you have it... my new years goal.... ha ha