Monday, February 28, 2011

Dear Body:

I can tell you're upset with me, and honestly, who could blame you? All of the years I've spent taking advantage of you, never considering your feelings or needs. Frankly, I'm a little surprised that you allowed it to go on so long. Your denunciation of our relationship has been long overdue.

But I'm ready to change my ways.

I promise to:
  • drink 8-10 cups of water a day
  • begin each meal or snack with a fruit or vegetable
  • take my multivitamin, fish oil, B12 and calcium faithfully
  • ban sweets (except for the rare special occasion)
  • stop taking in salt like it's water
  • cut back on dairy (you two have never really gotten along)
  • watch my portion size
  • avoid seconds (and thirds, and fourths . . .)
  • change my sedentary lifestyle

So do you think you could find it in your heart to forgive me? And maybe, just maybe get that metabolism going again?

don't give up on me yet,

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