Saturday, March 26, 2011

I'm typing this with my mouth full

I'm hungry. All the time. Do you have weeks like that? You know the kind - You've just fixed yourself a big plate of nachos and while you're mouth is busy inhaling them your brain is busy planning the next fat laden, sugary delight in your 7 course mid afternoon snack.

I went out to lunch with the girls and ordered a chicken, artichoke panini sandwich with a side of pesto, a bowl of butternut squash soup and a extra large molasses cookie. When that was finished off I started in on my mothers dinner roll while I hungrily eyed my sister-in-laws untouched soup . . .

I find myself falling into the offensive habit of talking with my mouth full. At the table, on the phone, in the shower. It's physically impossible NOT to talk with my mouth full right now. My mouth is always full. I'm the female counterpart to Brad Pitt's character in Oceans Eleven.

My sweetheart and I were invited to attend the Jazz vs. Hornets game with a client and his wife Thursday evening. The night included pre-game dining at the Lexus Club. It was an absolute schmorgasboard complete with all-you-can eat jumbo shrimp, crab legs, ribs, cajun stuffed mushrooms, feta stuffed tomatoes . . . oh stop me now! When I was as stuffed as one of those tomatoes we were led to sleek leather court side seats, directly behind the TV announcers. We each had individual television sets on which we quickly tuned into the BYU NCAA game. I munched happily on the candy coated mints I had stuffed my pockets with on our way out of the "whooty who" club. Just when my mint supply began to run low our hosts informed us that it was "half-time dessert bar" back at the Lexus Club. One cannoli, one slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, two large bites of Brandon's decadent chocolate dessert followed by a helping of nachos. (It was a sports event after all!)
I rolled myself back to my leather perch to happily cheer on the sweaty, 7 foot, tattoo laden basketball players running the court just a few feet away. I had just popped a milk dud in my mouth when our friend pointed out the fact I was on television. I focused in on the announcer's screen and sure enough, there I was, cheeks like a chipmunk, happily munching on the world's chewiest milk dud . . .

talking with my mouth full.

check out the price of my ticket
and tell me it wasn't right to eat that much.


Deidra said...

You sound like me. I'm pretty sure I out ate you at our sushi dinner though.

Wow on the price of those tickets! I def would have eaten that much and more!

Kim said...

It reminds me of the "Very Hungry Caterpillar" book. I'd do the same thing if I were at the to eat $1200 worth of food.

Tiffany said...

True story: All the way over here in Pennsylvania, on our specially purchased NBA league viewing pass, we were watching the Jazz game and I saw you on TV! I even hit rewind to make sure!

And guess what? You looked beautiful. So I guess all that eating is working for you! :)

Tracy said...

WOW...for $1200.00 I'd have eaten all that you did AND left with my pockets stuffed with crab legs. No wonder these athletes make the money they do (which I still think is wrong, but that's just me...). I'm glad you had a good time. I totally understand that foodie thing. Food - there's nothing it can't fix *sigh*

Timo said...

Two points:
1) You are a great writer;
2) I assume your tickets were on the client's bill. Who on earth would pay $1,200 for a Jazz game?

kara jayne said...

funniest post ever.

sad thing is that i TOTALLY relate and am in the same funk!!

your the best.