Tuesday, October 25, 2011

and so it goes

The cold earth penetrated my blue jeans as I knelt in the flower bed pulling up the last of summer.  The bright blooms amid the dying foliage caused waves of hot guilt to flow through me.  It was as if someone had forgotten to tell them it's time to surrender to the hard freeze of fall.  I stuffed them deeper into the gaping mouth of the hungry black can as I made room for their struggling counterparts.  I thought about the hard work of fall clean-up, of the countless hours spent disposing of the fruits of summer and how it doesn't really matter in the end - as spring would still find me asking why I hadn't done more.  My clippers found the daylilies and cut into the last of its warm, butter yellow blooms.  The hostas lay limp, too tired to put up a fight as I tugged at their leaves. One season ebbs and another begins to flow.

I think of my children - how they're each moving into a new season themselves.  One of increased height and confidence and independence.  Equal to the determination of Mother Nature there is no stopping their march into impending adulthood.  How silly of me to hope they would stay young forever.  It's akin to me hoping summer will never end

 yet it always does.


BRoss said...

Love it.

Nikki said...

Jodi you are a beautiful writer!

Mary Ann said...

Beautifully put...and I'm still digging my heels in to hang on to the luscious colors of Fall. One more harvest moon and a few more 'sweater' days with great-smelling crispy air please!

Jess said...

Your way ahead of me... I still have my SPRING flowers and decorations on my shelves in my kitchen! They make me happy. I did finally put my hurricane with a fall wreath around it and candle burns in it. No pumpkins yet, I can't bring myself to do it. It just means another season (or two or three) in my case has come and gone). Maybe around christmas I will start thinking about fall...:)

Anonymous said...

Two weeks is far too long to wait for my daily dose of inspiration.

Beautifully written...and I soooo love what you did with the pumpkin picture!!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a wonderful talent you have! Wonderful words of love and inspiration. Each season has its beginning and ending, exciting yet sad as a old one ends. Our children moving to new seasons are bitter sweet, but how wonderful for them to someday experience, the joy we have had through out the changing of their seasons.

Love you! Londa