Thursday, January 26, 2012

Losing teeth can be a bloody ordeal

her tooth had been flapping in the wind since mid December
a source of great anxiety for our youngest.
while I was helping her brush her teeth it flopped forward, 
drooping like dead foliage against her bottom lip.
Giant alligator tears began to form.
"Push it back towards your tongue," I encouraged.
It didn't work.
"Use toilet paper to get a good grip."
It didn't help.
"Grab it by the base and pull."
It stayed put.
"Wiggle it from side to side."
No luck.
"Twist it."
She twisted it clear around until it faced perfectly backwards.
It was still in place.

after more blood, sweat and tears ~

Our official tooth fairy container:
A gift to teenage me from Aunt Jan living in Peru

It fits 4 quarters perfectly.
And wouldn't you know it,
that's EXACTLY the amount the tooth fairy leaves.

clever her.

1 comment:

Emily said...

congratulations to the little miss. I am sorry it was so traumatic!
Love Em