Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Next Blog >>

I did it.
I clicked on "next blog" at the top of this page
and I kept clicking it
until I ran across "her."
She's beautiful
without trying.
She has a dog who has recently been diagnosed with cancer
and she is devastated.
The well cared for canine, I can tell,
was their child
before their own beautiful tow headed offspring arrived.
But now their perfect boy is here
and they are traveling the world with him.
When they are not traveling
she is teaching.
And when she is not teaching
she is blogging.
Beautiful, well formed thoughts
dance across my screen
and I envy everything about her.

What must it be like, I wonder,
to be the educated, well spoken, world traveller
that stares back at me from the screen.
What must it be like
to be her.


jill said...

The next blog button is how your blog was found. I always think it's fun to find another person from Utah and peek into their life. Your blog is an inspiration, thanks for writing.

Sariah said...

ummm... really? you must be kidding! that's what we all think about your blog. and add thin and beautiful and loving to the list of adjectives you ascribed to Mrs. Next. You're the cream of the crop. Sure wish I actually called you instead of stalking your blog.