Monday, March 19, 2012

Warning: the next 30 seconds may make you uncomfortable

things sound different 
when you're the parent of a special needs child.

learning to be more sensitive,


Emilie said...

I. Love. This.

I used to use that word all the time (who didn't in the 90's Utah scene), until I was 13 years old and my first nephew was born with severe cerebral palsy. Everything changed and soon that word became terrible and nasty. I have not said it since. I hope it stops being used entirely.

AP said...

This is hands down my least favorite word. Ever. I'm not sure if people realize how awful it sounds coming out of thier mouths...good for you for posting this! My niece is also special needs, and it would break my heart if she ever heard someone say it.

Jess said...

I love this ad. I hope it makes people choose their words carefully. Name calling cuts deeper than any physical wound can. We have seen this first hand and it breaks our hearts. We and can only do our best in teaching our own children the true meaning of kindness and respect towards others. Thanks for sharing this.