Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's the first time I've really, really missed her.

She would have called me the night before to see how I was feeling.  She would have been the first call of the day wishing me luck and assuring me that everything would be just fine.  She would have taken care of our kids when they got home from school and welcomed me home with a comforting hug.  She would have understood my need for a late night bike ride in an attempt to shake the general anesthetic fog.  

For now she is in another place, filling a different purpose.  She is playing role of mother to myriads of missionaries and being a friend and support to the good people of England.  In the U.S. we celebrate "Mother's Day" but in the UK they celebrate "Mothering Day."  It has such a beautiful ring to it.  Mothering Day.  

Today I am thankful for a dear friend who has loved my children as her own, a good luck text from a sweet sister-in-law and mom #2 who drove 45 minutes one way to drop off a big container of deliciously warm comfort.

Thankful for mothers in all their forms,

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh, jod... I can be the first call, the last call and anything in between. I love u