Monday, May 2, 2011

His eyes roll . . . a LOT

like the other night
when we were watching the REAL game
and I was cheering quietly from my corner
I looked over and noticed his eyes were rolling
and his head was shaking slightly from side to side

and the next day when he was looking at the photos
from the commercial shoot that his dad I and were in
his eyes rolled almost to the very back of his head
his face was contorted and it was obvious
that he experiencing severe pain.

I worry about him.


Jess said...

That is so funny! I love the idea of the VanCam. You guys are such a cute family. Lovin' the rest of the faces being made in the back seats as well!

Jeni said...

ok...that was so funny. A great laugh. Why is it so funny to parents when we do stuff that really bugs our kids?? They don't find the humor...what gives?

I do think the vancam may perhaps delay some arguing between siblings if they know it's being filmed, I'll let you know.

Jessica said...

Ha ha! You guys are awesome. I hope this is only the beginning of the van cam.

Mary Ann said...

Welcome to the teen years. You hope you've developed some strong self esteem by this time, because it needs to last till they're about 21.

Remember, try not to take anything personally. We who have been through years of rolling eyes PROMISE it does end!

About Me: Natalie said...

I still think you guys are wicked cool!

Kenna said...

i love it

Kim said...

I hope medicine will come up with something that will prevent eyes from rolling back into heads. It's a very serious problem. Also, the van-cam? Awesome. I also believe a family that chews gum together stays together. Miss you!