Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Not so fast

me:  murphy is really doing better.  don't you think?

bo:  he is.  he really is.

me:  do you think he has finally grown up a little?

bo:  yeah, i do.

me:  well he's become really enjoyable.

less than 24 hours later:

later that same day
as the icing on the cake
he ATE the cake
allie's birthday cake
but only one tier of it
because, you know, 
he's all sorts of grown up now.


Anonymous said...

Oh no! Well, I'm sure he'll have to grow up sooner or later . . . . . . .


Tiffany said...

If it makes you feel any better, sometimes I really want to kill my dog. She eats underwear.

Kim said...

You win some and you lose some.