Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Mother of All Story Problems

"Now run that by me one more time . . .

Where is it you want to go?
With who?
Will there be girls there?
What's the ratio of boys to girls?
Will the parents be at home?
What are the plans for the evening?
How do you plan on getting there?
How do you plan on getting home?"

5 boys + 3 girls (- unreliable friends) + two parents + snack run - $7.56 divided by three other children who need rides/dinner/help with spontaneous art project + curfew (x the fact that the party will most likely end up being at our house last minute)=

and while my brain is going into overdrive trying to figure out the answer to the first story problem the next story problem is already on the table, demanding my undivided attention because for some reason the creator of these diabolical story problems doesn't have a moment to wait for my reasoning skills to kick in . . .

"You want to buy a whatta mcwhat what?
It does what?
ALL your friends own one?
You need it more than anything else on this earth because?
And you're going to get the money how?
And the only store that sells it is 45 minutes away?
They only have ONE left?"

"And by the way mom, 
have you and dad had time 
to talk about that other thing 
I asked you about?

Oh, you haven't?
Will you do that when he gets home?
Great.  Thanks.

So what's for dinner? . . ."

I'll just be over here
banging my head


Kenna said...

Come bang your head with me at my house! I havent for the most part left my house or my bed for that matter, for over 4 weeks. I am literally going insain. I cant cook, do the dishes, lift all and basically have to relay on everyone else for housework, laundry, kid duty, everything. Some say this may be wonderful.... Not so. Not when u r feeling like poop. I'll trade u places. Ps I LOVE that picture of nick in his costume!!!!

Kenna said...

Sorry.... Logged in as Kenna, but this was from Jess,

Kim said...

Um, I was told there would be no math involved...

BRoss said...

Uh, here's one that's simple....

(Me + You) + Car = ESCAPE

Meet me at the flagpole after school....