Friday, November 18, 2011

We're going to be healthy if it kills us!

and let me say
it just might.
my seven year old was happy enough to put the oats through the hand grinder but that was the last smiling face I saw this morning. My husband hotfooted it out of the house stopping only long enough to point out our healthy breakfast boiling over the sides of the pan into a thick puddle of cinnamony goo at the bottom of the gas stove.  Not to be deterred I turned on itunes and blasted "Good Feeling" through the pulsing speakers as I called the children to the table.  

Good feeling gone.  

"It tastes just like cookie dough.  I promise."  (A promise I felt I could make as I had added approximately the same amount of cinnamon and sugar my oatmeal cookie recipe calls for.  The only thing missing was the baking soda.)

dead silence.



more silence.

finally, time to leave for school.

As the garbage disposal chewed through their cast offs I made a promise to myself that the next time I start a family I'll introduce them to hot cereal earlier in life.  

and on another note . . .
aren't kids wonderful at keeping you humble?  Just when you think you're doing an acceptable job at keeping the home semi-clean you find your child's name etched in the dust on top of the piano.  Well isn't that cute!

This weekend:
A big breakfast of hot cereal
followed by lots and lots of chores! 

who am I kidding.  
It will be the usual belgian waffles and bacon 
followed by a few jobs done "half apple"

if we're lucky.

1 comment:

Mel P. said...

I'll come eat hot cereal! I love it, especially your mom's cracked wheat.

As far as the chores go, you're on your own. I have so much dust, I need a shovel instead of a dust cloth.