Monday, April 23, 2012

He's that boy

I'm on page 231 of "The Price We Paid, The Extraordinary Story of the Willie & Martin Handcart Pioneers."  One of the most riveting books I've read.  Andrew Olsen has compiled compelling journal entries written by men, women and children who embarked on that most heart breaking of journeys to Zion in 1856.  He introduces you to the individuals and families, converts still living in their homeland, in a way that endears you to them before they even step foot onto the ship to America.

Margaret Kirkwood was a woman who had already known great sadness in her life.  She was a widowed mother of 4 boys, having lost her husband and two daughters while still living in Scotland.  She and Robert (22), Thomas (19), James (11) and Joseph (5) desired to join the Saints in Zion.  President James E. Faust tells the story of her two youngest sons, James and Joseph, crossing Rocky Ridge:

"On the trip west, James was accompanied by his widowed mother and three brothers, one of whom, Thomas, was 19 and crippled and had to ride in the handcart.  James's primary responsibility on the trek was to care for his little [5]-year-old brother, Joseph, while his mother and oldest brother, Robert, pulled the cart.

"As they climbed Rocky Ridge, it was snowing and there was a bitter cold wind blowing.  It took the whole company [20] hours to travel 15 miles.  When little Joseph became too weary to walk, James, the older brother, had no choice but to carry him.  Left behind the main group, James and Joseph made their way slowly to camp.  When the two finally arrived at the fireside, James 'having so faithfully carried out his task, collapsed and died from exposure and over-exertion.'"

As I read about James my thoughts instantly turned to our 12 year old son, Matt, who has carried his little brother in one way or another every day for the past 10 years.  Quietly volunteering to rescue the one, silently sacrificing for those in need.  He has an innate ability.  He is that guy.

Mr. Matt, you've got my vote!


Nikki said...

He looks just like Brandon. minus the fro. He's got my vote too.

Anonymous said...

You should look into professional poster making on the side. And Matt has ALWAYS had my vote, that little Honda!

Sariah said...

Turned on the computer to find an FHE story on Sacrifice (the next principle missing from our family that will get attention tonight.) Decided to check your blog before I went to the Church website. Now I've got my story and my inspiration for the day. Love you. When's our date?

Kim said...

Lovely thoughts about a special brother.

Syd.elise said...

thanks for the teary eyes

little red hen said...

Thanks to you...I now have the book and am loving teary by page 5 and am totally looking forward to spending the better part of my day tomorrow reading (after going on a walk to prepare for trek!)