Monday, May 7, 2012

I want to blog today

but I cannot
for fear that I may complain
about inconsequential things
such as
the perfect omelette I made my teenager
at 6 o'clock this morning
and upon asking him if he would like a smoothie to go with it
he replied with "Oh, they're feeding us at school today."
or I may complain about the purple spray bottle
that my rascally children broke while squirting each other
on the trampoline in their church clothes yesterday.
(it makes it difficult to style boys hair without a spray bottle)
and then there is the laundry.
oh the laundry.
piles upon piles of laundry.
and the 15 dress shirts that need to be ironed
and the to-do list that's as long as my size huge foot:

  • buy garden plants
  • till garden
  • replace dead tree
  • paint front door/shed
  • plan lesson
  • buy church pants for Nick & Brayden
  • buy church belt for Brayden
  • sign kids up for swimming lessons
  • purchase mother's day gifts
  • schedule shots for dog
  • etc.
  • etc.
  • etc.

everything on it takes time and money
both of which are in short supply at the moment.
or I might be tempted to whine about our iphoto
that keeps crashing every time I pull it up . . .

but no siree!
You won't hear me complain today.
happy monday -

p.s.  three of my favorite lawn chairs just blew off the partially completed deck and broke to pieces.  today officially STINKS.

1 comment:

Jess said...

Oh..... Breath and take a minute and just "be" ..... Besides, its not mothers day quite yet....... ;)