Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thankful for . . .

picture retake day.*

* 3:50 p.m.  Nick and Allie burst through the door.  Nick darts to his room and buries himself under his comforter.  Allie can't breath she's crying so hard.  "I lost my flip flops!  I put them in the pocket of my backpack but they fell out and Nick wouldn't wait for me to look for them!  And he didn't get his picture retakes!"  And then the phone rings and it's Nick's teacher full of apologies over the missed retakes.  And I want to be super kind about it but mostly I just want to get to Nick who is wailing across the hallway.

4:00 p.m.  We drive back to the school and walk the halls until we find the elusive silver flip flops that will be of no use approximately 16 hours from now.  It's when we are pulling away that Nick mentions the dark haired man in the white car that pulled over and offered them a ride after school.  They didn't get in.  Because they are smart like that.  Nick said it upset him so much that he fell to the ground and started banging his head against the cement.  The man apologized and drove away.  


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