Friday, February 20, 2009

Dysfunctional Reading

When I was a kid I would spend entire days with my nose in a book.  No showering, dressing or even brushing my teeth.  Fitting a meal in was an absolute chore.  A trip to the public library?  Utter and complete heaven! I know. If you had known me in my childhood days you would have called me a geek.  I'm comfortable with that.

As an adult, my reading habits haven't changed.  That's a problem when you've got four kids, a dog and a household to run.  I often compensate by staying up until 3:00 a.m. to get my uninterrupted reading time. I admit there are still days that I don't make it out of my p.j.s in sacrifice of a good book.  My latest?

Luckily I was sick in bed as I read this goody.  That means Brandon wasn't too shocked or disappointed at the state of our home or the children when he walked through the door in the evenings.

Other great books as of late?  "Richistan" by Robert Frank (thanks Matt).  "Marley and Me" by John Grogan. (Unfortunately you'll be picturing Owen and Jennifer when you read the book now but it is a great book.  It will make you fall in love with you pup all over again.  It saved Murphy from the classifieds last fall.)  I've just started "The Lost, a search for six of six million" by Daniel Mendelsohn (thanks Tim and Beck).

So here's the bad news.  Dysfunctional Reading seems to be hereditary.  Brayden worked his way through a 7 book series in 2 weeks.  Back to the library in search of a new series . . . again.  

Matt has been caught staying up until 11:30 reading his latest book.  This morning he was cuddled into a chair pouring over the final few chapters, in his pajamas . . . while he should have been eating and throwing on his backpack.

Oh boy.  


kara jayne said...

are you on goodreads? if should be. you can share all your reading goodness with me there, and get some ideas from others. check it out.

Deidra said...

It's as if I wrote this post myself. I really have to limit my reading, otherwise my house, life, and family fall apart. I even read the shampoo bottles in the shower. Over and over again. So sad.

I will have to try those books you recommended!

Jessica said...

I think dysfunctional reading IS hereditary--all 5 of us got it from my Dad. He finally used to ban us from reading and make us go outside during the summer. I first realized I had a problem when I read 13 books in a week back when I was 11 or 12. I stopped cold turkey in college for awhile out of necessity, but I think I'm ready to ease back into it, so any and all receommendations are great!

Jessica said...

Ha ha, I just read Deidra's comment and had to confess that I too read the shampoo labels. Thanks to this odd habit, I can pronounce and spell methylchloroisothiazolinone. (Check the bottle--it's there).


It must be HEREDITARY because I CAN'T tell you the last time i picked up a book and read it one and two for pleasure. I have very good friend who is an LDS author in Utah and she sends me her new books with her signature and testimony in it each time...what a horrible friend. I read the first book.....she is on her 8th book. i am always amazed to hear what people are reading...impressive.

Kali said...

Definitely hereditary. I just fell prey to my addiction again yesterday - late for work, making dinner was a chore, realized halfway through the morning I was still in my jammies on the couch with my nose in a book. Bobby's going to have to confiscate my library card soon...