Monday, February 23, 2009

We laughed, we cried, we vowed never to watch it again

I'd been looking forward to this movie with great anticipation.  It came highly recommended by family and friends alike.  Brandon and I finally cuddled up in front of it Friday night.  It was well written, perfectly cast (loved Ryan Gosling's performance) and extremely thought provoking.  

The point of this film (in the words of the writer) is to explore what would happen if a community rallied around someone with mental challenges.  The main character is at that crucial point where he is subconsciously deciding if he will be a part of "the real world" or sink away into his own.  

Too close to home when Autism has chosen to take up residence in your life.    

Unfortunately there are many brilliant films that won't find a place in our movie collection, ie. "Forrest Gump."  Who didn't love Forrest Gump?!  

"I am Sam."  So great when I went to see it, with Nick still tucked safely away inside me.

Lars, Forrest and Sam may not even be on the Autism spectrum for all I know . . . but they sure share an awful lot of similarities to my every day.

Filmmakers, thank you for giving mental disabilities a voice.  I really am grateful for you.

Forgive me for not buying a ticket.

"That's all I have to say about that."


Kim said...

Amen! Art that imitates life is sometimes hard but it's still fun to get $10 popcorn & enjoy someone else's problems that you can leave at the theater! Life goes on.

BRoss said...

Yea, let's stick with movies about dogs.

Jeni said...

love ya Jod