Tuesday, March 17, 2009

feeling green around the gills

setting:  1st grade St. Patrick's Day party
responsibility:  cookie decorating station

Here's your "Sprinkles gone wild"

And your "Double Decker"

And then you've got the
"blow air into your empty drink pouch and tell everyone it's full"
Does it ever lose it's funny?

Who doesn't love green jello?  Oh yeah.  Me.
One cutie tipped it upside down into the palm of his hand.

I don't have anything to say about this.

Or this.

Little girls know how to do it gracefully.

Little boys, not so much.

I hope you all found your own sort of green today . . . one way or another.


Kim said...

Nothing better than going GREEN. It's the PC thing to do. What, no green beer served at the party? What kind of St. Patty's Day celebration is that.

Jeni said...

Ahh, the campfire sounds nice.

The green pointy shoes...was that Nick's teacher? I'm sure the kids got a 'kick' out of them.

Jess said...

Wasn't that a cute party. Kaiya just LOVES Mrs. Wood. Great Pictures!

Kris said...

Haha, that's great!
You know I wish you would have come in the other night, I never get to see you really and just talk. Maybe next time we have a bbq with Matt & Jen you guys can come too. I'd love to visit with you.

Becky W. said...

I put green food coloring in our drinks that night. Very green! And very green on our carpet now from a spilled drink. Happy St. Patrick's Day!!