Monday, March 2, 2009

I dream in technicolor

and I have for as along as I can remember.  When I was no older than three or four I had an  amazingly vivid "flying" dream.  I awoke the next morning and practiced jumping off of the end of my bed time after time, positive that there would be lift off any minute.

Sometimes I'll have a continuation of a dream.  If I've had an especially vivid or disturbing dream it will be there waiting for me the next night, like a novel that won't be laid down.  It's there to welcome me the second I close my eyes.  

There is one specific dream that has followed me for over a decade.  It visits me in my sleep a couple times a year, repeating itself in detail while adding a little more to my peripheral view each time.  

Last night I dreamed that I was at a non-profit organization.  I had just made a sizable donation and I was expressing interest in being a part of their cause.  The head lady, who also happens to be a mother at my children's school, refused me.  She sited my poor organizational skills with my children as the reason I couldn't possibly be an asset to their organization.  I let off a stream of "sentence enhancers," grabbed my donation and ran to my car with this lady hot on my heals.  I started digging for my keys in the black abyss that is my purse . . .

I woke with a start, still shaking with an intense need for my keys.  My heart was pounding wildly . . . and then a smile spread across my face.

I hadn't really cursed at the PTA president 
or stolen money from a non-profit organization.



Kim said...

Don't give any money to the PTA. They are just another organization who wants to tell you what to do. I'm also happy to hear there were no actual "sentence enhancers", although sometimes they feel good.

JDM said...

I hate those dreams when you do something that you would never do in your waking life.
What a relief it is to wake up from those!