Thursday, June 18, 2009

I meant to do that

well, not really.

I'm heading back into the world of higher education.  I don't have my 4 year degree and it's been a monkey on my back since I left college without it.  In applying to the university of my choice I first needed to round up my transcripts.  

Luckily Mr. Matt agreed to make the journey with me after I promised a trip to the downtown DI to help furnish their clubhouse.  We fed the meter and walked through two ominous looking red doors.  We asked directions of a studious looking young man pouring over a text book.  The only thing he could find time to direct us to was the school map.  Let me say at this point that I'm positive I wouldn't have found my way without Matt's expertise.  We wound around halls full of young, hip looking students as I thanked my lucky stars grandma had agreed to keep the rest of my brood.  I already stuck out like a soar thumb in my capris and t-shirt, I didn't need little ones hanging off my legs to add to my frump.

We found ourselves in front of a smart looking brunette sitting behind a large computer screen.  "You need your transcripts?  Just follow the white cones over there."

"Over where?"

"Right there."


"THERE,"  pointing to the white cards a foot from my face.

Oh.  Just fill out the white card over there.  Pardon me.  I'm going deaf in my old age.

I took a white card, sat down in the chair provided and grabbed a gerber daisy pen.  

What?  You haven't seen a gerber daisy pen?  Well there are a dozen of them in our elementary school office.  I've used them at the pediatrician's office and at the local craft store as well.  They're the hip happenin thing these days, don't you know?

Guess what.  The gerber daisy wasn't a pen.  It was a gerber daisy.  It was an actual flower arrangement.  

And I'm an actual nerd.

This is promising to be one painfully long journey.


Mary Ann said...

I can see you putting that gerber behind your ear like you meant to 'pluck it' and walking 'with purpose' down the hall. You've got the class to pull this off!

Yahoo for you! We live for vacarious adventure!

Jeni said...

Ha Ha, that was really funny...
Cool you're going back, I'll ask you about it later.

Jess said...

funny. good for you! I don't have the courage to go back. Let me help with your kids any day of the week!

Mel P. said...

You never cease to amaze me! As the wife of a current "non-traditional" student let me say, "Good luck". It will be hard, but you have a wonderful, supportive family.

Kali said...

As a college student, I always LOVED it when some of the "non-traditional" older students were in my classes. They were the best. You'll do great!

Nicola said...

I am so excited for you! I think you will do great. I am sure that sooner or later you will realize that you fit in just as much as the "hip looking students" if not better because you bring so much more to the class. You will do wonders!

BRoss said...

I love you.

I am so proud of you for doing this.

I can't wait to yell at YOU to get your homework done before you play.