Friday, June 5, 2009

it just takes one


Dear Jason,

As I watched you and Brayden graduate from elementary school today my mind went back to the chubby two year old I met 10 years ago.  I didn't know then what an integral part of our family you would become.  I am so thankful for your calming presence in our home.  You are a peace maker, a quiet leader.  You go to great lengths to include each one of our children and show such patience as they maul you each morning when you show up at our door.  I am thankful for your good manners and words of gratitude as you sit with us around the dinner table.  I love listening to your laughter pour throughout the house, reminding me that you are still little boys at heart despite your new height and shoe size.  Thank you for being someone that Brayden can share his secrets with, for celebrating with him when he's happy, for being sad when he is sad.  You have a strong hold on your testimony and you are a great influence for good.  Every mother wishes her son had a friend just like you.  


P.S.  You and Brayden did a fantastic job on the new clubhouse.  I was so surprised that you had it painted by the time I got home last night.  Wow!  I really like the new T.V. and DVD player you guys found at DI.  They fit perfectly on the table you two engineered.  It's going to be a summer to remember, I'm sure.


Kim said...

Boys need boyfriends just as much as girls need girlfriends. Friends are the best!

Kaiya said...

That is one AWESOME clubhouse! Good for them for building it themselves. You and Gina both have amazing boys...

Kaiya said...

From Jess

Anonymous said...

Dearest Jodi,

I didn't know you were blogging again. I just checked because I'm out of school and thought I would read one of your old blogs. I was so glad to read your thoughts again. I'm not commenting on any thing in particular, just that I feel so grateful for you and your ideas and your word mastery. I am so grateful to share your life through you blog. I never would have surmised that I would go for this genre, but it has certainly revealed talent in you and Sariah. It lays open your latter-day depth, which I treasure. Thank you, dear one. The world should read your blog!

Aunt Doris

Emily said...

Now I understand what Matt meant at the Ice Cream party "Can I have one for Brayden? He's in the clubhouse!" How cool, I wouldn't have come out for ice cream either Brayden! Love it.

Mary Ann said...

amen to everything about Jason. My ally at that age was Pat Hensley. We only left each other long enough to go home and call each other. It reminds me of a quote I read that, paraphrased, said that where friends are concerned, one plus one does not equal two; it equals two thousand and two.

gina said...

Thank you for another beautiful tribute. He IS a good boy...always has been,and I pray he always will be. It is said you are a product of your environment, and since Jason spends more time at your house than his own, thank YOU for doing such a good job influencing him. He loves being with the Ross family and he loved building the fort.