Friday, June 12, 2009

Meet Glitty

his newest obsession
our newest family member

it was a big week for Glitty:
at the sand dunes
happy fun park
water fountain
twenty five main

the most traumatic part of Glitty's week?
he was traded for cousin Jed's Golden Glitty.
instant remorse.
luckily trade backs were allowed
and the universe was in order once again.


Jess said...

I am so glad you guys had a great time down south. I hope you had better weather than us.

It looks like Nick has found a new companion. I am so happy for him.

Nicola said...

Looks like you all and Glitty had a blast! What kind of camera do you use btw, your pictures are always so beautiful and bright.

Anonymous said...

I love Happy Fun Park! We were there on our last trip to St. George too. I think I got so dizzy on one of the turny things though. I got started and couldn't get it to stop