I'm going to lose my ever lovin mind. My house is always messy. I mean it. From the time I get up to the time I lay my head on my wrinkly pillowcase. I don't do well in chaos. It makes me cranky.
After a full day of picking up everyone else's messes and making snacks, snacks and more snacks for my kids and the rest of the neighborhood, I was standing in the middle of the disaster area that is my kitchen. Nick looked up at me with big, teary eyes and said, "You didn't take me to Walgreen's." Nine fifteen. A promise is a promise so I grabbed my purse and keys with a little too much force and put my shoeless ragamuffin in the car. That's right, shoeless. I had thrown away his two sizes too small Croc's not two hours prior after they had left him with a bloody blister. I haven't seen his flip flops since we left St. George. Reasonably sure they're at a rest stop somewhere in Beaver.
I carried him into Walgreen's, his savings grasped firmly in his dirt smudged hand. We looked at all the colors. We spun, we bounced, we compared, we walked around the store until he settled on the green one. He made his purchase and the second we walked out the sliding doors he started crying. "I think I made a mistake!" he wailed. I think I made a mistake too. Just grab a dirty spoon off my cluttered counter and pop my eyes out, will you? Please?
And I have something else to say. Depression is depressing. Even more depressing than fighting it yourself is watching someone you love struggle with it. Double depressing.
That's all I have to say about that.
And don't try to make me feel better.

P.S. I think Buddy, the baby bird, accidently threw himself off the side of a virtual cliff tonight into our creek. Two days of keeping the dog tied up and over feeding the cat while Buddy pranced around our backyard. And this is how he thanks us? By hurling himself off the edge? Baby robins and their extreme sports . . .
join me in a moment of silence, for Buddy.
I hear ya friend. Come take a look at my house.:)
When will this glitter ball obsession end anyway? Kaiya has like 8 of them and BEGS to get more. UHHHHH!
You are a GREAT Mom!
I should have heeded your warning. It just made me more depressed than I already was. I am now depressed beyond caring about what the house looks like. Let it fall down, for all I care.
Hang in there!
I feel your pain. I told Mark last week that I might turn into the MEANEST mom ever if the state of the house continues for the summer. I don't function well when I cannot walk into one room that isn't filled with STUFF! I going to walk around with a garbage bag!
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